Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I love school

Well, not really school, but the library which when you are only almost one is as close to school as you can get.  This is how much I love it …..

Monday, March 10, 2014

Little Red RIDING Hood

Finally the weather is improving, which means I can cease delegating the walking of My Mugsy and take my proper place as She Who Is In Charge.

Here I am all ready to mount my steed (again aka Papa).  I thought as I was going riding it was only appropriate that I wear my red hood.

I wonder if My Mugsy is really a wolf.  I mean Abu is here and Granny is coming in three days.  Ummmm, interesting …….

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Beginning my college scholarship application

As I approach my first birthday (it is next week for those not in the know), I have realized that it is never to early to begin preparing for college and, most importantly, position for scholarships.  I do not actually know what a scholarship is, except Papa says I will need one as he plans to spend my inheritance on a new Chuffed.  I also do not know what an inheritance is, so I am just focusing on my scholarship.

Here I am with my pirma Lyndsey and her Lacrosse coach.  I went to see Lyndsey and her Stanford team beat Georgetown.  It was very exciting.  My team, Stanford, was not doing so well for quite a while, but clawed back to 10-10 at full time, and won in sudden death.

So I thought I would chat the coach up while wearing my cute Cheer Leader outfit so that in 16 years I can go to Stanford and get a scholarship for being a fan for ever.  Let me show you another photo, so you can see how truly adorable I am.

And finally, here is the money shot …. me with Papa by the Stanford banner.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm a swinger

Not that type of swinger, silly.  The type that swings at the park.  These swings are on the way to the dog park where I take My Mugsy.  I have been wanting to try them for ages, but was too small.  Now I can sit up properly and hold on, Papa said I could try.

I was very brave as it was quite scary at first.  But once I got the hang of it,  I loved swinging.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Everyone's doing it, so I thought I should take a selfie.  Here I am commanding my horsey while taking My Mugsy for a walk early one morning.

It was a tad cold so I was all wrapped up.  As you can see I was getting a touch irritated as the servant (aka Papa) was not really doing as told.  Don't worry, I sorted him later.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's safe to be in the water …...

I have been going to swimming classes for the past 5 weeks and have been getting really good at dunking, falling in and back float.

(My YouTube video can also) be found here.)

I love swimming and it is really important as I will need to be able to swim when I start sailing in the summer.  I am not scared at all, even when I am all the way in.

Today was great fun, but a bit embarrassing.  Silly Mummy and Papa did not realize that a new class was starting and so we bad to beg to go in as we were not on the list.  It's ok though as we missed a class because the pool was broken before, so this rather made up in my view.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sharing …..

There has been an executive decision in the Lees Munoz household.  As this photo shows, I have decided that there needs to be more sharing.

And by sharing, I mean My Mugsy needs to share her toys with me.  Of course, I have no intention of sharing my toys with her, that would just be silly.

Now, you may ask, how did I come to this decision.  Well, I was sitting in my green chair watching Mummy get ready as I do most mornings when Papa goes to the office, and noticed that My Mugsy has a lot more toys than me.  A LOT MORE.  So I decided to grab them one by one until there was no more room.